Midi Editor Online

The automatic MIDI flipper

Idea and concept by @andrewismusic, coded by @Sophira

Flip a MIDI

Jan 05, 2021 SynthFont is a MIDI editor that comes with a variety of MIDI editing tools. It lets you delete, duplicate, and add notes, set parameters and apply VST effects to tracks. This program also supports MIDI files creation and playback. Another MIDI editor software is PianoRollComposer available on all the Windows operating. Our free midi files editor online tools & apps does not required any registrations and installations on your system, 100% free and online midi file (.midi) editor.


  • [2017-02-21, 01:33 GMT] Fixed a subtle bug where the site could output corrupt MIDI files, caused by incorrectly applying MIDI running status to events other than MIDI channel events. This could manifest as any number of oddities, including a changed tempo.
  • [2017-02-03, 04:16 GMT] If you encountered an issue with the flipped MIDIs being squashed into one track where the original wasn't, this issue should now be fixed! A technical explanation of the issue can be found on Hacker News.

What the heck is this?

Have you ever wondered how a MIDI file would sound if you took its notes and inverted them, so that the high notes were low and the low notes were high, while preserving the tonal distance between the notes?


Well, Andrew Huang (@andrewismusic) has, and after inverting 'Für Elise' by Beethoven, he made a YouTube video of the results. They're surprisingly good!

At the end of the video, he called for people to make their own flipped MIDIs and share them with the Twitter hashtag #midiflip via Twitter. I (Sophie Hamilton, aka @Sophira), thought that I could do one better.

After reading the MIDI specification and working out just how much of it can be ignored, I cobbled together AutoMIDIFlip in Perl to automatically flip any MIDI file you give it. It works a little bit differently to Andrew's original idea, though - rather than using the first note of the melody as an anchor point, AutoMIDIFlip simply inverts the entire range. Where you previously had 0-127 as note numbers, you now have 127-0, which prevents any flipped notes from going out of range.

There are a few other things to note about AutoMIDIFlip:

  • AutoMIDIFlip correctly inverts pitch bends and portamento changes, but does not yet invert the GM Fine Tuning and Coarse Tuning RPNs. This may be implemented later.
  • MIDI channel 10 is assumed to be a drum channel, and is not flipped. This allows sensible drumbeats to remain on MIDI files that have them.
  • AutoMIDIFlip currently will not accept files larger than 150 KiB. This limit may be increased later.

To use it, simply use the box above to give it a MIDI file to flip. You can also check out some examples:

  • Invention no. 13 in A minor, BWV 784 - Johann Sebastian Bach
    Original, Flipped
  • Prelude and Fugue in C major, BWV 846 - Johann Sebastian Bach
    Original, Flipped
  • Für Elise - Ludwig van Beethoven
    Original, Flipped
  • The William Tell Overture - Gioachino Rossini
    Original, Flipped

Other MIDI flipper projects


I'm not the only one who had this idea. Here are links to some other projects that do similar things:

  • GitHub: pvrs12/midi_invert: Open source (MIT/Expat), Python. Uses the music21 Python module to synthesise a new MIDI file containing the flipped notes. The Twitter bot associated with this project is no longer online.
  • GitHub: RetSamys/midiflip: Open source (GPLv3), Python. Console-only Python program which inverts MIDI files by tweaking the MIDI data directly.
  • Automatic MIDI Inverter: Open source (ISC), Python, Web-based. Created by @dscush. Uses the mido Python module to read the MIDI file and change it.
  • MidiFlip: Open source (MIT), Node.js, CLI-based but with web interface (using local HTML+JS). Created by @1j01. Installable via npm, can convert multiple files at once, and allows for advanced mathematical transformations.

MC Musiceditor is free/open source (GPLv2 or above) music notation software (Windows XP or above).

  • The Lite version runs on Linux under Wine - and Windows XP and above.

MC Musiceditor is developed by Reinier Maliepaard, psychologist, software engineer, musician and teacher at the ArtEZ Conservatorium Netherlands (music theory and music history). Why? To make life of musicians easier when making scores. This resulted in a userfriendly editor which makes professional scores without requiring specific knowledge (other than musical basics)!
In short: MC Musiceditor is the easiest way to write, refine, hear and print professional scores. In addition: MC Musiceditor can share and interchange musical notation data of MC Musiceditor with WYSIWYG music notation editors like MuseScore, Finale and Sibelius (to mention only the most popular programs by my students).

Midi Editor Online

MC Musiceditor uses a modification of the ABC-language which was invented by Chris Walshaw. The ABC language is simple to use and can create music scores from basic melodies to a complex symphony score. Our modification of the ABC-language makes it, in our opinion, all easier (why? study item 8 of the tutorial section).

For the convenience of ABC-users, MC Musiceditor 6.0.9 and later is a hybrid version: you can use the MC Musiceditor for MCM-code (default) and ABC-code! The trigger is L:mcm_default. If found, the code will be interpreted as MCM. If L: value doesn't equal to 'mcm_default', the code will be interpreted as ABC.

Basic features

  • Note entry by mouse clicks, keyboard short cuts or just typing
  • Chord entry by mouse clicks
  • Export to PDF
  • Export to Midi
  • Previewer
  • Pitch manipulations (transpose, pitch converter)
  • Format functions (score, midi)
  • File functions (rename, merge)

Why should you use MC Musiceditor?

Midi Drum Editor

  • It is very easy to use
  • It has a very fast note-entry: you can make a score very quick (well, at least as fast as typing a text in your texteditor)
  • The scriptbased editor enables you to manipulate data with a great ease
  • It has an external previewer, that refreshes itself constantly. So you see what you have composed!
  • The sheet music (PDF) is of a high quality (Example: Magnificat (2004) of Reinier Maliepaard)
  • The software is donateware, so free to use and free of charge. But users are encouraged to make a small monetary donation: see the donate buttons left.

In addition: making webapplications!

Midi Editor Free

With MC Musiceditor 6.1.0 and later you can convert MCM and ABC code to a Javascript webstring which can be parsed by Abcjs. Abcjs is an open source parsing and rendering tool for ABC written entirely in Javascript, so it allows sheet music to be rendered with the browser. It was developed by Gregory Dyke and Paul Rosen. We made an example html page: click here. You can also download a zip file: unpack and run the index.html offline in your browser: click here
Visit our webgames: www.bestmusicteacher.com (section music theory)